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Dermal Filler FAQs: How Long Do JUVÉDERM Results Last?


Life happens to all of us, and while aging makes us wiser, it doesn’t do any favors for our skin. At The Mack Cosmetic Center in Tampa, FL, we can help restore youth to your skin and your face with the help of Juvederm, a trusted family of dermal fillers that delivers immediate results that are natural-looking and long-lasting. You can age with grace and preserve your skin and appearance with just a few painless injections in your problem areas.

How Long Do Juvederm Results Last?

When you choose Juvederm fillers to address your anti-aging needs, you can rest assured that you choose a collection of fillers that deliver long-lasting results. Each filler within this collection will give you results that last for at least six months. Most provide results that last for one to two years with optimal treatment. Each filler formulation delivers different results to different areas of the face, but all of them are long-lasting.

Factors That Determine How Long Your Results Last

Some factors help determine how long your results last. When you understand how your body responds to fillers and the different factors that affect your results, you can have realistic expectations about your results and can take every step possible to preserve them. Living a healthy lifestyle and focusing on caring for your health and skin goes a long way in getting beautiful skin and beautiful results.

Your Treatment Area

Your particular treatment area plays a significant role in determining how long these dermal fillers last. When injected into an area of the face that is extremely mobile, like the lips, the results may fade sooner than other areas that would be defined as static areas of the face. During your consultation, we will review the different fillers with you and let you know how long each will last to have a better idea of what kind of results you can expect.

The Amount of Filler Used

The amount of product used during the injection process also plays a role in how long results last. Some people come back for touch-up treatments after their initial session based on their preferences, extending results. Others need more filler to fill areas with a greater degree of hollowness, which may extend results as well.

You can rest assured that we will develop a treatment plan to help you reach all of your aesthetic goals during your initial consultation here in our office. Our goal is to exceed your expectations in every way. We want you to love your results and maintain them as long as possible.

Your Metabolism

When it comes down to it, your metabolism is responsible for how long your results last. Once these hyaluronic acid-based gel fillers are injected into your face, they will begin to blend and bind seamlessly beneath the surface of your skin.

However, they only provide a temporary solution to aging because, over time, your body will metabolize the ingredients. When this happens is different for each person, but on average, these fillers last as long as their projected result date.

The Filler Design

The different fillers in this collection are formulated differently for a reason. The creators of Juvederm realized that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to beauty and anti-aging. Different areas of the face have different needs and therefore require different formulations with different particle sizes.

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is broken down quickly within the body, even in its synthetic form. The creators of Juvederm found a way to defy this fact by using a cross-linking effect during the manufacturing process. Cross-linking is what gives each filler such long-lasting results. The more proprietary cross-linking that exists within a specific filler, the longer the results will last.

Your Lifestyle

Lifestyle plays an important role in how long your results last as well. Not only do your genetics and your metabolism determine how long your body allows this filler to remain, but so too do your daily habits and your overall lifestyle. Smoking, excess alcohol consumption and sun damage all negatively affect your results. If you don’t take care of your body and your skin, your results won’t look as good nor will they last quite as long.

Your Injector

The Juvederm collection is highly esteemed in the beauty world. However, these products are only as good as the injector administering them. An experienced injector can help you get the best and longest-lasting results with the proper technique.
When you choose our office for all of your anti-aging and feature-enhancement needs, you can rest assured that you will be treated by trained injectors who know exactly where to inject these fillers and how much product to inject in each area so that you get the best results.


Can I Extend My Results?

Since you cannot change the way your body reacts to the product or the rate at which it metabolizes the ingredients, the best way to maintain your results is to schedule follow-up appointments within a year of your initial treatment. You will notice a gradual change in your problem areas as the effects of these dermal fillers begins to wear off. Regular injections can help avoid a significant change in your appearance.

Live a Healthy Lifestyle

You can also enhance your results by taking care of your skin and living a healthy lifestyle. Make sure that you are drinking enough water each day to keep your skin hydrated. Take multivitamins that are specifically formulated for skin health to maintain a healthy glow.

Wear sunscreen daily, even when it’s cloudy or cold outside. Schedule skin rejuvenating treatments as needed to keep your skin exfoliated and as healthy as possible. Maintaining optimal health will keep your skin looking youthful, and as a result, your Juvederm results will look that much better.

Dermal Filler FAQ’s: Everything You’ve Always Wondered About Juvederm

How Long Does a Session Last?

Your treatment will last from 15 to 60 minutes based on how many areas you are treating. Some areas of the face require a little extra time to administer injections to ensure you get the best results possible. Once we develop a treatment plan that’s unique to your needs, we can give you a better idea of how long you can expect your appointment to last.

What Do Injections Feel Like?

Although injections are administered with a needle, that needle has been specifically designed for your comfort. Juvederm injections are fitted with an ultra-fine needle which makes the injection process seamless and comfortable. Additionally, the creators of these fillers designed them with the comfort of the patient in mind and added lidocaine as one of the primary ingredients in each filler.

Lidocaine is a mild numbing agent that helps ensure optimal comfort during the injection process, as well as the hours following it. If needed, our injectors can apply a topical numbing cream to your treatment sites before injecting the filler for added comfort.

Will I Look Natural?

Everyone has seen the woman with a face full of filler. Over-done filler detracts from the face and the features so that all you see is the filler. Our injectors know that your face should be the primary focus, not that you had filler added to it. With that in mind, we inject in such a way that gives you natural-looking results so that you looked like an improved version of yourself, not a fake version.

What Areas Can It Treat?

This collection of dermal fillers is extremely versatile because it can target, treat, and correct problems and the signs of aging in different areas of the face. There are two different fillers that can augment the lips and smooth vertical lip lines that form around the mouth. Some fillers are specifically designed to treat facial folds and lines and will smooth wrinkles that have formed as a result of volume loss.

Other fillers can restore a structure to the jawline by injecting filler deep into the chin. Lastly, there are fillers specifically designed to treat the cheeks and add volume to fill in hollow areas in the mid-face region.

What if I Need To Stop Treatment?

The benefit of dermal fillers is that while they are long-lasting, they are also only temporary. If you need to stop treatment for health reasons or pregnancy, you can easily do so. Your results will gradually fade, and your face will return to its pre-injection state.

Once you are ready to resume treatment, you can easily do so. All you need to do is schedule an appointment at our office, and one of our injectors will be happy to assist you in resuming your anti-aging injections.

Am I a Candidate?

If you have experienced volume loss due to aging and have sunken or hollow cheeks, nasolabial folds, and laugh lines like marionette lines, you may be a candidate for one of these dermal fillers. If you want to enhance your features by augmenting your lips or redefining your jawline, you can reach your aesthetic goals by choosing a filler from this collection.

If you want a non-surgical, minimally invasive way to address aging that will give you long-lasting results, this line of fillers may be exactly what you’ve been looking for. Some patients may not qualify for treatment, including those who are allergic to lidocaine, have an allergy to any of the ingredients in these fillers, or are currently pregnant or nursing.

The Importance of a Consultation

The most important part of beginning any anti-aging routine with cosmetic injectables is scheduling an initial consultation. This is an important time for you to meet an injector and discuss your goals. One of our injectors will analyze your problem areas and review your health history to ensure that you are a candidate for treatment. Then, once we confirm your candidacy, we will create a customized treatment plan that helps meet all of your anti-aging and aesthetic goals.

We’ll explain each filler, how it works, and what you can expect from treatment. Once you have a consultation, we’ll schedule your appointment. We want you to walk into this appointment with confidence and excitement, knowing that you will leave looking better than you did walking in.

Taking the Next Step

If you’ve already mentally committed to beginning an anti-aging routine with dermal fillers, what are you waiting for? Now is the time to take the next step and make your aesthetic dreams become a reality. Contact the experts at The Mack Cosmetic Center in Tampa, FL today and schedule your initial consultation and learn more about all of these dermal fillers and how they can improve your appearance and your confidence.

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