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Does a Facelift Get Rid of Wrinkles?

Developing wrinkles and other signs of aging is inevitable. It is a natural part of the aging process, but it can affect self-esteem negatively. Rarely are topical anti-wrinkle treatments effective. However, at The Mack Cosmetic Center in Tampa, FL, we offer a solution that will definitely be effective. Today, we’re taking a closer look at a facelift, including the benefits of the procedure.

Does a Facelift Get Rid of Wrinkles?

Yes, a facelift can be used to eliminate wrinkles. However, wrinkle elimination is far from the complete scope of the procedure. For example, this procedure can be used to remove unwanted facial fat and excess skin while smoothing out the deepest facial folds. Unlike anti-wrinkle creams and serums, this procedure, also known as rhytidectomy, lifts, tightens, and smooths the underlying muscles causing the cosmetic concerns.  

It is very common for clients to come in with a number of concerns, including jowls, deep nasolabial folds, and sagging cheek skin. The visible signs of the aging process can make you look older and more tired than you are regardless of how well you sleep. By lifting your facial muscles and skin, you will look several years younger and finally look as energized as you are.

What Causes Wrinkles? 

There are a couple of causes of wrinkles. For instance, people often develop wrinkles because they produce less collagen year-over-year starting around the age of 20. Collagen is a mesh-like protein that acts as a scaffolding that supports smooth, tight skin. It keeps the skin volumized, hydrated, and radiant.  

However, the less collagen there is in your skin, the more your skin wrinkles and sags. Elastin is another crucial substance that supports your skin. It is responsible for keeping your skin elastic. Your skin also produces less elastin as you age, which plays a very significant role in sagging skin.

What to Expect During the Procedure

Facial wrinkles and sagging can be incredibly frustrating due to how difficult they are to treat with over-the-counter topical products. However, a facelift can quickly and effectively reverse these aging signs. We will give you a better idea of what to expect during your procedure once we have a better understanding of your aesthetic goals. For instance, we may lift and tighten the lower face.  

Alternatively, we may also remove excess fat, muscles, and skin from your neck. Typically, this procedure is performed under local anesthesia and sedation so you will remain comfortable and asleep throughout the entire operation. Incisions will be made around the ears and in the hairline so they will not be visible as they are healing. Then, tissues will be lifted and removed as necessary to eliminate wrinkles and achieve all of your other aesthetic goals.

The Recovery Process

Your sutures will be removed roughly two weeks following your rhytidectomy. Typically, the recovery process takes between two and three weeks.  However, it can take four weeks or more for the final results to become apparent. During your recovery period, you should refrain from wearing any clothes that must be pulled over your head and avoid exercises that put stress on the face.

Regions of the Face That Can Be Treated

Typically, rhytidectomy is used to reverse wrinkles and sagging skin in the lower and middle regions of the face. However, this procedure can also be used to enhance the neck profile, as well. During your initial consultation, we will advise you on the results you can realistically expect based on your natural facial structure and the goals you are trying to achieve.

A complementary procedure may be required in conjunction with a facelift if you have concerns about wrinkles or sagging skin around your upper eyelids or eyebrows. Rhytidectomy is not designed to affect the upper face.

How Long the Results Last

Nothing stops the aging process. Time marches on, and, one day, you will need a follow-up procedure to restore your youthful visage once again. Your age, skin health, general health, and lifestyle choices will affect the longevity of your results. The most important determining factor is your age because your skin inevitably produces collagen and elastin at a reduced rate every year.  

Typically, people who receive this procedure in their 30s can enjoy their desired results for 15 years or longer. On the other hand, clients who are in their 40s or older can typically expect the results of treatment to last for roughly one decade. After assessing your skin health and discussing your lifestyle choices, we can give you a better idea about how long you should expect your results to last.

Maintaining Your Desired Results

While age plays a major role in the longevity of your results, there are factors you can control. Sometimes, they can significantly extend the longevity of your results. Here are some of the most effective steps you can take:

Make Your Skin Health a Top Priority

The most important thing you can do after your procedure is to protect your skin from destructive UV rays. You may need an SPF of 35 to 55 depending on the amount of melanin in your skin and your family history of skin concerns. We can advise you on the best sunscreen for you based on your health history and your family’s health history during your initial consultation.

You also must keep your skin hydrated by moisturizing it after every bath or shower. Furthermore, you may need to moisturize twice daily depending on the type of skin you have.

Drink Plenty of Water

Your skin should be hydrated from the inside out. If you’re dehydrated, your skin will look, feel, and be dry. Ideally, most of your hydration should come from water. However, smoothies, tea, coffee, homemade fruit juices, soups, and produce can also hydrate you. If you get tired of drinking water and tea all day, try infusing fresh fruits, like blueberries or peaches, into your tea.

Don’t Smoke 

You should also stop consuming any products that contain nicotine, like cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, and cigars. In fact, you must go several weeks before and after your procedure to ensure the best results and smoothest recovery. If you’re a smoker, we recommend stopping to prepare for your procedure and never picking up another cigarette again.

Eat Nutritiously

Lastly, your results will last far longer if you maintain a nutritious diet, particularly if you were once obese. For the longest-lasting results, you should only drink alcohol in moderation if you find you must drink. Foods you should incorporate into your diet after your procedure include produce, meats, and whole grains that are in vitamins A, B, C, and E.  

It is very important that your diet includes plenty of bioavailable protein and vitamin C because collagen is a protein. To produce collagen, your skin needs amino acids from protein and lots of vitamin C. If you’re worried about getting your RDA of micronutrients in your diet consistently, make an appointment with a registered dietician.

Who Qualifies for This Procedure

If you think a facelift could improve your self-confidence, you’re probably wondering whether you are a good fit for this procedure. Since rhytidectomy rarely involves general anesthesia, most people are healthy enough to be suitable candidates for the procedure.  

Typically, good candidates for this procedure are between the ages of 35 and 65, fairly healthy, and concerned about the appearance of their neck, lower face, or midface. However, it is possible to be under the age of 35 and qualify for this procedure.

Issues With Facial Skin

The ideal candidate for rhytidectomy has concerns about the appearance of their neck, chin, or midface. This can range from wrinkles and sagging skin to excess fat and skin. To reiterate, if you have concerns about the appearance of your upper face, a different procedure will be required to achieve your desired appearance.

Overall Health

We will ensure your heart and lungs are healthy enough for you to receive this procedure when you come in for your initial evaluation. Most people are kept comfortable during their procedure with local anesthesia, but we need to verify the health of your heart and lungs in case you want general anesthesia. We will also evaluate your skin health. To qualify for this procedure, your skin should be fairly elastic.

Restore Your Youthful Visage

If your face is riddled with wrinkles wreaking havoc on your self-esteem, a facelift may be right for you. This procedure can erase wrinkles, tighten loose skin, and restore a desirable neck profile. Contact us today at The Mack Cosmetic Center in Tampa, FL to book your initial evaluation and learn more about the benefits of this procedure.

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