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How Can I Get Rid of Facial Lines? 13 Benefits of Sculptra

Sculptra tampa

Sculptra Tampa is a dermal injectable that works deep within skin’s tissues to replace lost collagen and gradually restore a softer, rounder, and smoother appearance to your face. It can erase wrinkles and folds and…well, we could go on and on. At The Mack Cosmetic Center in Tampa, FL, we see the results every day for ourselves. Now, we’d like to share the many benefits of this treatment with you.

How Can I Get Rid of Facial Lines? 13 Benefits of Sculptra

1. Stimulates Collagen Production

Collagen is everywhere you look, from face creams and supplements to powders and serums, and there’s a reason why: collagen provides the support mattress that underpins healthy skin. It is also a key determinant in the preservation of skin elasticity and firmness. But where does collagen come from? Fibroblasts, which are specialized cells found mostly in dermal tissues.

Collagen is important enough to serve as the most abundant protein in the body, accounting for 80% of skin’s total composition. It is sturdy and fibrous, with molecules that create long, thin structures and anchor to each other. Before age 30, collagen in our skin’s middle layers forms the network for new cell restoration and growth.

Reverse the Decline

After age 30, however, collagen production begins its steady decline. And with this decline comes a breakdown in skin’s integrity. That support system we mentioned a moment ago collapses, and skin responds by forming fine lines and wrinkles. Gravity also takes a toll, encouraging skin to fold until your facial surface is no longer as slick as you remember.

Now that you know about collagen, we can give you the good news that Tampa Sculptra stimulates its production. Whereas most dermal fillers are made from hyaluronic acid (HA) that immediately adds volume, this injectable is composed of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) crystals. PLLA is biocompatible and biodegradable and has been used for decades to make soft tissue implants and dissolvable stitches.

How the Body Reacts to PLLA

The body slowly absorbs PLLA once it’s injected into the skin. In the coming weeks, those crystals prompt fibroblasts to produce collagen in the deepest layers of your skin. This builds a stronger, thicker structure that gives your skin more support. The end result is softer skin that’s plump, lifted, and younger-looking.

2. Increases Elastin Levels

Fibroblasts also produce the protein elastin, known for giving skin its stretch and flexibility. When you emote, elastin helps your skin bounce back to its original position. By amplifying collagen, we’re thus also able to increase elastin so skin is more resilient. This means your face experiences all-around improved health (and looks good, too).

3. Makes Sure You Still Look Like You

The results from this filler are driven by your own collagen, a vastly different mechanism from that of HA-based fillers. This means it’s impossible to look over-done; your body is like a well-oiled machine that knows when collagen production has reached optimal levels.

To better understand this concept, consider the skin of a toddler. Glossy, plump, and flushed with health thanks to high levels of collagen. But a child’s face never appears unnatural, and you’ll enjoy these same effects. Every contour of your cheeks, chin, and jawline will be proportionate so you still look like you – only better.

4. Develops Results Over Time

Patients often want to invigorate their appearances but don’t want to look completely different after treatment. Sculptra eviscerates this concern by delivering gradual results that develop as collagen production increases. This takes several weeks, but the wait is worthwhile. You can use this filler to discreetly:

With this gradual process, you can also choose whether or not to tell others you’ve had treatment. Either way, they won’t guess on their own. Each individual improvement to your face – such as fewer wrinkles and plumped temples – is subtle, but when combined, these effects revitalize your whole appearance. People will say, “You look great, what’s your secret?” rather than, “It looks like you’ve had work done.”

5. Improves Skin Tone and Texture

It’s an unfortunate truth that skin tone changes with time; blotches, age spots, and dark patches develop when pigment becomes unevenly distributed. Sun exposure is the primary culprit, but aging also plays a part.

The same is true of texture; repeated sun exposure creates a leathery surface, while skin cells turnover much less effectively with age. Rather than slough from the surface, these cells accumulate and create rough patches. Last but not least, aging skin lacks hydration and is prone to flakiness. All of these effects combine to make skin look dull and fatigued.

Get Your Glow Back

Fortunately, these changes don’t have to be permanent. As Sculptra tampa jumpstarts collagen production, natural renewal processes also improve. This means dead cells are once more pushed from the surface so those that are healthy can take their rightful place. And with increased collagen comes higher levels of hyaluronic acid.

HA is one of the most lauded components of skincare. Each molecule attracts and binds to water to not only hydrate skin but also restore a more luminous glow. This, then, is how treatment improves texture and tone: it encourages speedier cell turnover, improves hydration, and gives back to skin the velvety smooth texture you enjoyed in your youth.

6. Minimally Invasive

Men and women alike often believe a facelift is the only way to rejuvenate their appearance. While this is an incredible option with beautiful results, we understand not everyone is ready for surgery. Dermal fillers provide the ideal alternative, freshening your appearance without anesthesia or incisions. The results, however, are similar; Sculptra tampa whisks away lines and wrinkles, fills hollows, and plumps sagging skin.

The difference is this treatment comes with minimal downtime. Patients who have demanding work and family schedules find this benefit especially appealing; you can resume your normal activities almost immediately after treatment. And when the time is right for a facelift, we’re here for that, too.

7. Makes Treatments Quick and Easy

After treatment, which can be performed in about an hour, you’re free to get on with life. You don’t have to take time off from work or follow a special post-treatment regimen. You can even apply makeup immediately following your injections. We do recommend you avoid blood thinners, alcohol, and exercise for 24 hours, but that’s to ensure the filler has time to settle.

The point is this therapy conforms to your lifestyle. We’ll start with a consultation, where we’ll discuss your concerns and treatment goals. Then we’ll tailor your treatment plan to deliver the results you want. At the end of treatment, you don’t need to return every few months for top offs. You can simply enjoy your beautiful results.

8. Has Long-Lasting Results

Depending on the injectable you choose, results can last anywhere from three months to a year. Sculptra tampa, on the other hand, is the longest-lasting filler on the market. Results can last 25 months or longer, and after that, most patients simply choose an annual maintenance session. They love their results so much, they incorporate treatment into their regular skincare regimen.

Because this filler renews and rebuilds the underlying scaffolding of your face, it offers results that go beyond mere plumping. Even if you choose not to repeat treatment, you’ll have staved off the effects of aging thanks to that one fluid facelift. The extra collagen it encourages keeps existing wrinkles from growing deeper and new ones from developing.

9. Minimizes Risk for Allergic Reaction

Let’s talk for a moment about PLLA, a derivative of lactic acid or lactate. Lactate is a byproduct of anaerobic respiration, in which cells produce energy without oxygen. Bacteria also produce it in our intestines and yogurt.

Why are we telling you this? Because PLLA poses little to no risk of an allergic reaction and, as such, does not require allergy testing. Once it performs its intended task of jumpstarting collagen synthesis, it fades naturally from the body without any complications.

10. Is Safe for Most Patients

This treatment is designed to improve skin from the within. And thanks to a high safety profile, it’s ideal for almost anyone who wants to address volume loss, lines, and wrinkles. We’ll review your medical history before proceeding because your health remains our top priority; if we determine Sculptra tampa is not the right treatment for you, we’ll explore other options.

11. Has Proven Results

Talking about the benefits of treatment is one thing, but knowing it’s backed by proof is another. Patient experiences confirm this injectable can improve treated areas by as much as 80%. Likewise, clinical studies show that 25 months after treatment, 80% of patients continue to rate their results as excellent or good.

Studies have also been conducted to determine this treatment’s longevity. One confirmed result can last as long as two years and seven months. And, finally, numerous years of clinical use have proven the injectable’s safety and efficacy.

12. Increases Confidence

Feeling comfortable in your own skin is crucial to overall confidence. As your wrinkles disappear and your skin looks softer and more radiant, you’ll suddenly feel as invigorated as you look. This is more than theory; many studies have determined injectables can substantially improve your confidence.

Feeling uncomfortable in your own skin can impact your behaviors and interactions with others. Many women, for instance, try to conceal a soft jawline by wearing turtlenecks. People also avoid eye contact when unhappy with their appearance. But after treatment, you’re likely to walk straighter, smile more, and engage more fully in conversations.

13. Gives Better First Impressions

Whether or not you’re smiling is one of the first things others notice when they meet you. A smile is considered friendly and engaging. A frown, on the other hand, can make you seem cold or distant.

With age, the face begins to look naturally more downturned. Tissues sag and the mouth forms an upside-down arch. These effects can make you look like you’re frowning even when you’re not. And in first impressions, people may believe you’re less friendly than you really are. Sculptra tampa can help in this regard by lifting and plumping tissues. Your face will look more open and, in turn, warmer to those you meet.

Return to a More Youthful You

You may not look 20 years old again – that would be unnatural – but Sculptra Tampa will help you look younger by softening wrinkles and filling in hollows. With long-lasting results and overall improved skin health, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Schedule your consultation today by calling The Mack Cosmetic Center in Tampa, FL.

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