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How Long Does Blepharoplasty Take?


If you’re looking for an easy treatment capable of rejuvenating the appearance of your eyes, it may be time to consider eyelid surgery. This treatment, which in medical terms is known as blepharoplasty, is popular among patients of The Mack Cosmetic Center in Tampa, FL, because it reverses signs of aging. And that’s not all. Eyelid surgery is also a quick and straightforward outpatient treatment.

How Long Does Blepharoplasty Take?

The amount of time it takes to perform eyelid surgery depends on which lid you’re having addressed and whether you are combining it with other treatments. Upper eyelid surgery, which can lift heavy, droopy eyelids back to a more natural position, usually takes about 30 minutes. Lower eyelid surgery, which is often performed to reduce bags beneath the eyes, may take as long as 45 minutes. Some patients opt to have their upper and lower lids addressed simultaneously. Others wish to combine eyelid surgery with an endoscopic brow lift, which is a separate treatment that rejuvenates the brow line and upper portion of the face. Incorporating additional treatments usually extends the amount of time it takes to complete this surgery.

What Type of Recovery Is Involved?

Because this is an outpatient treatment, you’ll be able to head home soon after surgery to recover. You’ll want to arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home. We usually recommend that patients use cold compresses for the first two or three days after surgery, and either an antibiotic ointment or antibiotic drops for one week. We also suggest that patients refrain from bending or lifting during the week following surgery.

What Type of Improvement Can I Expect?

Patients who undergo eyelid surgery typically enjoy a softer, rejuvenated, more natural appearance. The upper crease of the eyelid, which is sometimes erased by sagging, will be more evident. If the lower lids were treated, you should also see a reduction in bagginess.

How Long Will My Results Last?

Eyelid surgery offers long-lasting results, although your face will continue to age. Results achieved through upper eyelid surgery can last seven years, while lower eyelid surgery rarely needs to be repeated.

How Is Eyelid Surgery Performed?

Eyelid surgery is typically performed with local anesthesia. When performing upper eyelid surgery, we’ll make a tiny incision in the crease in the rear of the lid and remove excess tissue and fat to reduce puffiness and drooping. When working on the lower lid, the incision is made inside the lower lid.

Am I a Good Candidate?

You Want To Reverse Signs of Aging

As we age, our skin begins to thin and lose elasticity, and we also experience bone loss. Both of these shifts result in sagging and other changes in the area around the eyes. Blepharoplasty fights back against signs of aging and rejuvenates the appearance of the eyes.

You’re Struggling To See

Cosmetic concerns aren’t the only reason patients seek eyelid surgery. In some cases, sagging eyelids can obscure vision. Upper eyelid surgery can lift the lids back to a more normal position, making it easier to see.

Your Intentions Are Sometimes Misread

Do friends sometimes ask you why you’re sad or tired when you’re not feeling either of those things? Heavy, droopy lids can send incorrect signals about how you’re feeling. Eyelid surgery can refresh your appearance, help you look more alert, and clear up those misunderstandings.

You’re Over the Age of 18

This surgery can be performed on anyone 18 years of age or older. However, because this surgery is performed most often to address signs of aging, patients are typically at least 40 years of age.

You Can Adhere to Pre- and Post-Surgery Guidelines

During the seven to 10 days before surgery, we recommend that patients stop using blood thinners and aspirin products. If you are a smoker, you’ll be advised to stop smoking before your treatment. We may also recommend that patients begin certain homeopathic treatments, like arnica Montana. During your immediate recovery period, we recommend that you avoid heavy lifting and follow an icing regimen.

You Don’t Have Certain Medical Conditions

The best candidates for eyelid surgery are generally in good health and don’t have any serious eye conditions or conditions that impair healing. Be sure to tell us if you have conditions like glaucoma or a detached retina.

You’re Ready To Feel Great About Yourself

Eyelid surgery has the unique ability to subtly and naturally turn back the clock and improve your appearance, without making you look as though you underwent a cosmetic procedure. This treatment won’t drastically change the way you look, but it can help you feel great about your appearance and boost your self-confidence. The best candidates for this surgery have a positive mindset and are realistic about what blepharoplasty can accomplish.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will This Treatment Help With Crow’s Feet?

Eyelid surgery will improve the overall appearance of the eyes, but it won’t reduce crow’s feet or other facial wrinkles.

How Can I Get Started With This Treatment?

If you’re interested in pursuing eyelid surgery, the first step is to schedule an initial consultation at our practice. During this appointment, we’ll review your medical history, evaluate your eyes, and talk with you about your concerns and goals. We may also photograph your eyes from a variety of angles so that we have the information needed to plan your surgery.

Will Health Insurance Cover Eyelid Surgery?

If eyelid surgery is being performed to restore your vision, it may be covered by health insurance. If you’re pursuing the surgery for purely cosmetic reasons, your insurance plan is less likely to cover it.

Could This Treatment Be for You?

If you’re struggling to see out from beneath sagging eyelids, or if you’re unhappy with signs of aging around your eyes, blepharoplasty could be the solution you’ve been looking for. This easy treatment involves minimal downtime and can visibly refresh your appearance. To learn more about this amazing treatment, call The Mack Cosmetic Center in Tampa, FL, and book your initial consultation today!

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