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What Areas Can Be Treated by Laser Hair Removal in Tampa?

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal offered in Tampa is a versatile treatment. It can be used on almost any part of your body. It can treat sensitive areas, like your chest and your bikini area. Here at The Mack Cosmetic Center, we are proud to offer this option to our patients and encourage you to learn more about it.

How Many Treatments are Needed?

People have a number of misconceptions about laser hair removal. Many believe that as the laser passes over the skin, it is burning the hair off. That is not at all what happens. During laser hair removal, the laser passes over your skin and the energy from the laser is attracted to the pigmentation in your hair follicles. This is what directs the laser’s energy toward the hair follicles, heating them up and killing them. When the hair follicles are dead, they are unable to produce new hair.

Your hair grows in phases. At any given time, only a fraction of your hair follicles are in the growth phase. This means that when you come in for treatment, only a fraction of your hair follicles will be treated. You will need to come back for follow-up treatments when other hair follicles are active. To have the best long-term results, you may require multiple treatments. The number of treatments that you will need are going to depend on how thick your hair is and your hair’s growth cycle.

What Happens During Treatment?

When you visit our Tampa clinic, you should expect a safe, fast, and comfortable experience. Because of how comfortable laser hair removal is, no anesthesia will be administered. Depending on the size of the area you are having treated, your treatment could take as little as 15 minutes on a small area like your upper lip or your arm, or it could take up to an hour if you are doing a larger area such as your back or your legs.

Some individuals with darker skin may be interested in having laser hair removal in Tampa, but they shy away from it because they worry that afterward they will experience hyperpigmentation or hyperpigmentation. Thankfully, laser hair removal technology has improved drastically over the years. Now, the treatment is extremely safe and effective for people regardless of if they have dark skin or light skin.

Am I a Good Candidate for This Treatment?

The vast majority of people who want to have laser hair removal are good candidates for the treatment. As with any form of medical treatment, you want to be in the best health possible. Skin conditions on the area being treated may disqualify you from having treatments until the skin condition clears up.

Get In Touch with Us for More Information

Are you interested in laser hair removal? If so, please feel free to reach out and make an appointment with The Mack Cosmetic Center. At our convenient location in Tampa, we look forward to helping you make unwanted hair disappear. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!

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