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Voluma XC Tampa


What Is Voluma?

Voluma is the first FDA approved filler to instantly add volume to the cheek region. Voluma is used to give a subtle lift to the cheek region, and helps restore contour to the face. It is a non-surgical injection that can last for up to two years. Voluma is a smooth gel, which is made of hyaluronic acid. This is a natural occurring substance in our skin that adds volume. The injection of Voluma is performed in the office, and typically takes five to fifteen minutes depending on the number of vials that are used. At the Mack Center, topical anesthetic is applied to the cheek regions, and ice is also applied before the injection. Volume XE has a local anesthetic, lidocaine, contained within the injection. We find that this technique with the combination of topical anesthetic, ice, and lidocaine within the Voluma product, make this a pain-free comfortable experience for our patients.

Who is a Good Candidate for Voluma?

Good candidates for Voluma injections are patients who are concerned with volume loss, particularly in the cheek region, which is the major reason that we lose our youthful profile over the years. A younger face has a rounder, lifted cheek region. As we age, the cheek starts to flatten secondary to volume loss, and the cheeks sag.

What are Realistic Expectations with Voluma Treatment?

For patients undergoing Voluma, realistic expectations would be to achieve a natural volume enhancing result in the cheek regions. This will restore the natural lifted appearance of the cheeks. Our goal at the Mack Center is to have a very natural appearance with any of our treatments.

What Are Common Reasons why a Patient wants Voluma?

The typical patient who seeks treatment with Voluma has noticed a flattening of the cheek region with loss of the natural youthful curve of the cheek. Patients are seeking a subtle lift to help restore the cheek region. The treatment with Voluma results in a rejuvenated youthful natural appearance, and patients are able to appreciate the results right after the treatment.

How Long Does it Take a Patient to Recover Following Voluma Treatment?

There is very little recovery time. Patients are asked to apply ice following the procedure, and can resume normal activities for that day, although patients are asked to minimize strenuous exercise and extensive exposure to the sun for the first 24 hours after treatment.

Will I Look Natural?

We spend a lot of time at the Mack Center discussing various cosmetic procedures and treatments with our patients, and we really focus on achieving natural rejuvenation results. Our patients who receive Voluma treatment at the Mack Center appreciate the natural results, and also can appreciate these results immediately following the injection. Voluma treatments can be used as a single procedure, or they can be combined with other procedures such as Botox Cosmetic.


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