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Chances are you have heard of the new treatment for treating fat under the chin (also known as submental fat). The new, FDA-approved Kybella is composed of deoxycholic acid and is designed to dissolve the fat cell’s membrane, killing the cell. The newly destroyed fat and cells are then cleared through the body’s lymphatic system.

But the question many people are asking is: how does it measure up against liposuction? And is Kybella too good to be true?

The Truth About Kybella

Whether or not you achieve great results with Kybella is entirely dependent upon the person administering the injections (which is, honestly, true of any injectable, whether it’s Kybella or Botox). Finding a health professional who is well trained and experienced with Kybella is extremely important. Some of the more common side effects include bruising, warmth, swelling, redness, itching and burning.

An experienced health care professional is necessary if you want to:

  1. Achieve natural-looking results
  2. Avoid the rare but serious side effects
  3. Reduce the severity of common side effects after your treatment

How does Kybella hold up when compared to Liposuction?

There are three factors that contribute to fat under the chin: genetics, age and weight fluctuation. Kybella targets a specific area of the face where there is excess fat. Chin liposuction also focuses on removing fat.

The main differentiating factor is that Kybella is a non-invasive procedure that doesn’t involve surgery. There is no anesthesia, no wounds to the face and little downtime, as opposed to liposuction that involves a couple weeks of recovery. You do have to keep in mind that many patients require more than one Kybella treatment. You have to decide if you want a one and done treatment like chin liposuction or multiple separate appointments over the course of a few months. (Please keep in mind, though, that every face is different and that only your health care professional can definitively tell you how many treatments you will need.)


It’s difficult to compare the cost of the two treatments, since the number of Kybella treatments will vary from patient to patient. That said, the average cost of chin liposuction of $2,500 according to RealSelf users, not including the cost of medications, compression garments, etc. If you need many rounds of Kybella treatments, the cost of the injections could be comparable to the cost of chin liposuction.

Treatment Area

Kybella is only approved to remove fat under the chin… NOT to tighten it as well. If you have sagging skin under your chin, Kybella is not going to be able to fix it. Because chin liposuction is already a surgical procedure, it’s easy for your cosmetic surgeon to tighten the skin at the same time (although there will be extra cost involved in this process). Still, if you have lots of loose skin under your chin, liposuction is likely your best option.

Not sure which is the best route for you?

The best option, and what we would recommend regardless, is to consult with a cosmetic surgeon. He or she can evaluate the treatment area and give you professional advice about the best route for you.

If you are in the Tampa area, we are happy to set up a complimentary consultation for you. Contact us today by going to or calling us directly at 813.875.5437.

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