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Have you ever come home from an evening out and decided to forego the task of removing your makeup? Or perhaps you came home after a long day and just forgot. Regardless, the end result is the same. You went to bed with you makeup on again. But hey, it only happens on occasion, right? What’s the harm in sleeping in your makeup on just occasionally?

If it truly is just occasionally, the harm is minimal.

However, what does happen when you sleep with your makeup on?

Sleeping in makeup exposes the skin to free radicals, which cause the breakdown of collagen. Collagen is necessary to keep your skin looking full and plump, which means the breakdown of collagen can result in the appearance of fine lines on the skin.

Then there’s oxidative stress that your skin accumulates just being out and about. Oxidative stress refers to the steady state of damage in a cell, tissue or organ caused by free radicals and peroxides. Your skin accumulates oxidative stress throughout the day which your skin can’t recover from when you go to bed in your makeup. This, too, can lead to premature aging of the skin.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, repeatedly sleeping in makeup also will clog your pores, resulting in the development of acne.

While sleeping in makeup is, in general, not a good idea, it’s also true that not all makeup is created equal. Foundations and oil-based primers are the worst to sleep in because they prevent the skin from renewing itself at night and cause acne and dullness. Mascara and eye makeup aren’t as bad since they won’t cause wrinkles. However, they can irritate the skin around the eyes as possibly lead to styes. While these can sometimes go away on their own, they often have to be treated by a physician.

The moral of the story?

Don’t sleep in your makeup. Yes, eventually the wrinkles and the fine lines will catch up to you, but don’t encourage premature aging of the skin by not giving it the care it deserves.

Interested in correcting some of your fine lines and wrinkles with Botox or other injectables? We are happy to help you find the cosmetic solution to fit your needs. Contact us today for a complimentary consultation.

Filed under: Botox Tampa

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