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We all know that there are a number of factors that can impact the health of our skin for better or for worse. Some factors (genetics, environmental) may be out of our hands, but there are a number of small adjustments we can all make to help give ourselves the healthiest, most vibrant skin possible. Sun-damage is a threat most people are aware of and work to minimize as much as possible, but did you know that even the food you eat can contribute to your skin health?

Positive Health Wellness has compiled a list of important nutrients that are good for skin and hair health. Avocados, matcha green tea, blueberries, etc. are all great natural things you can do on behalf of your skin and overall health on a daily basis. For the things that a healthy diet can’t handle…we’ve got you covered! From basic skincare treatments to facial rejuvenation procedures, we can help you achieve the renewed, refreshed look you deserve. To learn more about our Skincare Treatments and schedule your consultation, contact our office today.

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