Tampa, FL. February 3rd, 2013- Minimal Invasive Facelift Doctor in Tampa Florida. William P. Mack, M.D. is one of the leading facial cosmetic surgeons in Tampa Bay.
Dr. Mack’s website, www.mackmd.com, states the following about the facelift procedure “Wrinkles, sagging skin and laxity in the jowls and neck are part of the natural aging process. A face lift, or rhytidectomy provides an overall lift to the lower third of your face by tightening loose skin in the jowls, neck and jaw line. A face lift alone will not remove wrinkles, crow’s feet or bags under your eyes. These areas can however be treated at the same time as your face lift. Dr. Mack performs a minimal incision face lift and upon your initial consultation, will discuss your particular conditions, your expectations and the probable outcome of your various treatment options.”
Potential patients in the surrounding Tampa area who are interested in a minimally invasive facelift should contact William P. Mack, M.D.’s practice. Cosmetic consultations about procedures such as facelift, eyelid surgery and/or facial fillers are complimentary. While discussing the benefits with Dr. Mack, patients will gain a trust and comfortableness with his expertise in the facial and eyelid region.
What exactly does a facelift entail? According to the website www.yourplasticsurgeryguide.com “most facelift procedures share certain elements. First, you will be provided with either general anesthesia, local anesthesia or conscious sedation, in which you are numb but partially awake. Your surgeon then will create incisions along your hairline and around your ears, possibly extending into your scalp. Your surgeon then will lift your skin away from your face, rearrange the underlying tissue in a higher position and remove excess skin. He or she may also remove fat with liposuction. Lastly, your surgeon will re-drape your skin over your face and close the incisions with sutures.”
“If you are interested in undergoing a facelift procedure, your first step is to learn as much as you can about the procedure and your options. Next, schedule a consultation with a board-certified surgeon. During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss your general health, examine your facial skin, tissue and bone structure, and inquire about your goals for surgery. Be as prepared as possible to clearly describe your concerns and the look you desire. Your surgeon will likely show you some photos of patients taken before and after facelift surgery. Prior to booking your surgery, be sure to discuss all aspects of surgery with your surgeon, including your facelift risk profile and what to expect during your facelift recovery.”
If you are concerned about the appearance of your aging face, but you are not sure what doctor or procedure is right for you, call Dr. Mack of South Tampa, FL and make a complimentary consultation. William P. Mack, M.D. is one of the leading facial and eyelid cosmetic surgeons in the Tampa Bay area. Stay informed about potential specials by joining the mailing list or following him on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, WordPress, and Flickr.
About William P. Mack, M.D.
William P. Mack, M.D. is a board certified surgeon who specializes in oculoplastic surgery and facial cosmetic surgery.
When eye contact is made, we immediately begin forming our first impression. Judging someone to be tired, sad, angry or pleasant are all based on the appearance of the area around the eyes. “Oculoplastics is a specialized branch of plastic surgery that focuses around the eyes and face,” notes Dr. Mack. “My extensive training in eye and facial plastic surgery allows me to offer the optimal surgical options to achieve your aesthetic goals.”
For more information, visit their website www.mackmd.com or call (813) 875-5437.