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Take Your Skin to the Next Level with Microneedling in Tampa


If you have found that your skin doesn’t look as glowing and youthful as it used to, you are not alone. Rather than accepting this as an inevitable part of aging, more and more people in Tampa are turning to microneedling to revitalize their skin. This minimally-invasive procedure can give you dramatic improvements without any invasive surgery.

How Does Microneedling Work?

This process involves making many tiny micro-channels in the skin. Two things will happen as a result. The first is that your skin care products will be able to penetrate more deeply into your skin. This allows you to get your money’s worth from those potent serums. The second thing that happens is your body will rush to “heal” all of the micro-openings caused by the microneedling process. This encourages the production of collagen and elastin fibers.

What to Expect with Microneedling

At your appointment, a topical numbing cream is applied. Next, we gently maneuver the microneedling device over your skin in order to create tiny micro-channels in the surface. Although this might sound invasive, people report that they tolerate the procedure very well. Initially, you may experience some redness. This will fade quickly as your skin generates new collagen. Within days, your skin may be more supple and have a healthy glow.

What Can Microneedling Treat?

This is a highly-effective treatment in Tampa for a wide range of skin imperfections. Some of the most common uses for microneedling include addressing:

Many people in Tampa seek out this treatment to treat acne scars and other types of scarring. The microneedling procedure is able to break up the fibrosis underneath your scars, allowing them to be smoothed out. You can see results on acne scarring after a series of treatments.

If you would like to learn more about how microneedling can take your skin to the next level, simply set up a time to visit The Mack Cosmetic Center in Tampa. We would be happy to answer your questions during an initial consultation, where a personalized treatment plan can be created. Contact us today to book an appointment and get started!

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