We’ve all looked in the mirror at some point and wished for softer, younger-looking skin. Fortunately, there are a lot of treatments available to help you achieve the results you want. If you’re just looking for a low-risk treatment for minor skin problems or to combat the early signs of aging, Microdermabrasion can be a great solution.
While the name may sound a little intimidating, the procedure, itself, is essentially painless and the recovery time is fast. Microdermabrasion uses small crystals that are sprayed against the skin in order to change the look and feel. If the procedure is performed properly (which it will be, if you are at our office), the treatment should only remove the outer layer of skin made up of dead skin cells. Because no living tissue is removed, it isn’t as irritating as laser resurfacing or chemical peels. The only side effect is a slight reddening of the skin that typically goes away within 24 hours.
So what are the benefits of choosing Microdermabrasion over other treatments?
Pain Free
As we mentioned, Microdermabrasion doesn’t require any kind of topic pain medication or local anesthetic. Most people only experience a slight stinging sensation from the crystals; however, it’s not an intense feeling.
Fast results.
Some treatments, such as fillers and Botox, take time to see the full results. However, with Microdermabrasion you will see the results as soon as the procedure is complete.
No preparation.
Many cosmetic treatments take time to complete. However, a Microdermabrasion treatment can be easily performed over your lunch hour or whenever fits your schedule. You do have to keep in mind, though, that your skin may be red after the procedure. That said, patients can typically apply makeup after receiving their Microdermabrasion treatment since the skin wasn’t broken during treatment. Most patients find that mineral-based makeup that can be brushed onto the skin is most comfortable.
Clean pores.
If you struggle with acne, even periodically, Microdermabrasion may be a treat option for you, since ongoing treatments will provide you with cleaner pores.
Reduced scarring.
Microdermabrasion is a great way to reduce or eliminate the appearance of scarring. Scarring typically comes in two types: rolling hill or depression scarring. If what you have is some redness without too much of a surface irregularity, microdermabrasion will work well for you. Deeper scaring will require a more invasive procedure.
If you think that Microdermabrasion might be right for you, contact our office today. We’re happy to explain the entire procedure to you and answer any questions you might have. You can contact us today at 813-875-5437.