Nothing is worse than hearing that you look tired after you’ve had a restful night’s sleep. Unfortunately, as we age, collagen levels in our skin dimish and deep creases appear where before there were only fine lines. Sun damage starts to take its toll.
The good news is that if you’ve been struggling with tired, aging eyes, there are a number of surgical and non-surgical options to correct the creases and sagging skin.
Crow’s Feet
While we certainly wouldn’t want you to trade all of those years of fun in the sun, there are some things you can do to erase the wrinkles appearing at the corners of your eyes. The easiest solution is Botox or another dermal to relax the muscles and add plumpness. Keep in mind, however, that this solution is only temporary.
If you want a more permanent solution, a brow lift can help by tightening the forehead. It helps to smooth the creases and wrinkles at the corners of the eye.
Sagging Eyes
Bags and puffiness around the eyes can make you look not only tired, but also significantly older beyond your years. If this is a problem you suffer from, blepharoplasty could be the solution. Blepharoplasty is an eyelid surgery performed on the upper or lower eyelids, or even both, to correct a diminished eyelid crease, address fat deposits under the eye, and create a more youthful, refreshed look.
Heavy Brow
A heavy brow can create an unpleasant, “grumpy” appearance. However, this problem can be treated with a brow lift to smooth creases in the forehead and deep furrows between the brows.
Maintain and Protect Your Skin
Whether you opt for a surgical procedure or a less invasive injectable option, it’s important to realize that good skincare habits are crucial in preventing further damage. Use SPF daily to protect your skin against the damaging sun exposure, especially what we are exposed to day after day in short periods. Even if you are only exposed during your morning and evening commute, that regular exposure can add up and cause significant damage.
Microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and laser treatments can also have a big impact rejuvenating the surface layer of the skin and diminishing the appearance of wrinkles.
If you’re ready to turn back the clock and let your eyes shine, contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We are happy to discuss your options and address any questions you might have.