Mornings are hectic for most people, regardless of whether or not you have kids or what you do for a living. What if you could cut one task out of your schedule and free up anywhere from five to fifteen minutes for doing something else…or perhaps just lying in bed a bit longer?
Believe it or you, you actually can!
Permanent makeup is a simple solution for carving out some extra time in your day, while still ensuring you look fantastic.
Permanent makeup has become more popular in the last five to ten years because of the convenience it provides for busy women who are always on the go.
While there is no upper age limit on getting permanent makeup, and it is actually a great solution for older women who are having more trouble applying makeup because of poor eyesight or tremors, there are obviously some women who are better candidates than others.
In general, any woman with good skin who doesn’t want to worry about their makeup could consider having permanent makeup applied.
Typically, a great candidate for permanent makeup is any woman whose skin is in good condition, even women in their eighties. Women who are extremely active or participate in sports are also great candidates, since they may want to avoid the frustration of makeup sweating off or streaking when they’re working out or in the middle of a game.
So who is a bad candidate?
Women under the age of 35 are discouraged from getting permanent makeup. These women typically haven’t established a long term “look.” Candidates need to fully understand that they are establishing a look that they will have forever. Patients under the age of 35 have typically not reached a point in their lives where they are prepared to take this permanent step.
Women who tend to easily hyper-pigment also may not be good candidates for permeant color. The same can be said for people who spend a lot of time in the sun or lying in tanning beds, as the UVA rays will change the pigment tones and possibly change the color of the makeup.
Anyone undergoing any kind of major life trauma should not get permanent makeup…or have any kind of new cosmetic procedure done for that matter!
Before you commit, make sure you’ve discussed all of the pros and cons of getting permanent makeup with your cosmetic surgeon so you’re fully aware of what you’re getting yourself into. When done properly, permanent makeup is a great time saver that gives women the freedom to no longer think about applying makeup each morning. However, it’s a permanent decision and one that should be carefully considered before this step is taken.
If you’re interested in this cosmetic procedure, please contact our Tampa office. We would be happy to discuss any concerns you have and establish whether you might be a good candidate for permanent makeup.