Has your earlobe been damaged? If it has been torn or otherwise disfigured, you’re probably wondering whether an earlobe can be reconstructed. Today, our cosmetic experts at The Mack Cosmetic Center in Tampa, FL are answering some of the most frequently asked questions about ear surgery, including whether Earlobe Repair Tampa is possible. Read on to learn more.
Can an Earlobe Be Repaired?
Yes, it is possible for an earlobe to be repaired. During Earlobe Repair in Tampa, the earlobe is sanitized thoroughly with an alcohol-based anesthetic. Then, local anesthesia will be administered. Once the earlobe is prepared for surgery, any excess skin will be removed. Depending on your unique concerns, tissue may be rotated. To remove tension from the outer part of the incision, the site will be closed in layers.
How Long Will My Procedure Take?
You can generally expect your procedure to take no longer than an hour to complete. In some cases, this procedure can be completed in as little as 15 minutes. The scope of the procedure, including whether you need both earlobes repaired and whether you need a hole closed or tissue manipulated significantly, determines how long your procedure will take. We will give you a better idea of what you can expect during your initial consultation.
What Can I Expect After My Surgery?
You may be able to drive yourself home after your surgery if you only receive local anesthesia. Local anesthesia is only designed to numb the local area, not sedate you. However, you should know that some people find their reaction time impaired after receiving local anesthesia. Make sure you have a way to get home in case you don’t feel up to driving.
How Long Will I Need to Take Off From Work?
Even though Earlobe Repair in Tampa is minimally invasive, you will need to take some time off from work to dedicate to your recovery. You can generally expect to need to take at least two to three days off from work. Furthermore, you should know that you will need to take a number of days off from strenuous physical activity.
How Should I Sleep After My Surgery?
You will need to avoid sleeping on your side for one week after your earlobe reconstruction. If too much pressure is placed on the incision site, your recovery will take longer than it should. If possible, dedicate at least nine consecutive hours per night to sleeping every night until your incision sites are fully healed. Also, it is a very good idea to sleep with two or three firm pillows elevating your head when you sleep.
Can I Pierce My Ears Again After My Surgery?
There are a number of reasons why people seek earlobe reconstruction. If you are seeking earlobe reconstruction because you wore gauges that increased in size and weight over time, it is extremely important that you get any new piercings at least three millimeters away from the site of your old piercing. Also, it is highly advisable that you wait at least three months after surgery to have your ears pierced again.
Can I Shower After My Surgery?
You can shower 24 hours after your procedure. However, you should take a warm shower rather than a hot or cold shower. You may find your skin sensitive to extreme temperatures.
How Long Will the Results of My Procedure Last?
You can generally expect the results of your procedure to last a lifetime. However, this is not guaranteed. If your earlobe suffers trauma after surgery, there is a chance it will tear again and you will need a follow-up procedure. Furthermore, getting gauges after your surgery may result in your earlobe tearing.
Am I a Good Candidate for This Procedure?
If your earlobe is in need of being repaired, there is a good chance that you will qualify for this procedure. However, it is not a guarantee. To find out for sure whether you are a good fit for surgery, you need to have your concerns evaluated and goals discussed. Your health also needs to be evaluated and discussed to verify that this procedure will be appropriate for you. To reiterate, this procedure is often requested due to gauges stretching the earlobe excessively.
However, it is not uncommon for people to come in for earlobe reconstruction because they wore earrings that were too heavy for too long. Others come in because their children pulled on their earrings or their earrings were caught and subsequently snagged on a dress or scarf. Furthermore, too many piercings too close together or too close to the bottom of the lobe can make you a good candidate. Moreover, sudden trauma to the lobe may qualify you.
Who Doesn’t Qualify for This Procedure?
You will not be considered a good fit for this procedure if you are in poor health. For example, you may be considered a poor fit for this procedure if you suffer from uncontrolled diabetes because diabetes can slow wound healing significantly. You also may be considered a poor fit for this procedure if you suffer from heart disease and need to take blood thinners every day for the sake of your heart health. One of the most important preparation steps is not taking blood thinners.
What Else Will I Need to Do to Prepare for My Surgery?
In addition to not taking any blood-thinning drugs, you must refrain from taking any blood-thinning supplements or pharmaceuticals that interfere with your blood’s ability to clot itself. It is also very important that your blood pressure is normal when you come in for your surgery. Therefore, you should not consume alcohol, tobacco products, an excessive amount of caffeine, or excessive amounts of sodium.
It is also ideal if you are well-nourished and hydrated when you come in for your procedure. This will go a long way in setting you up for a successful recovery. Make a point for several days prior to your surgery to ensure your urine is clear or very pale and get at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. You should not take a multivitamin because if you consume too much vitamin E, your blood can thin significantly.
What If I Have Other Cosmetic Concerns?
If you are concerned about aging signs, we can help you with that, too. We offer a number of non-surgical anti-aging treatments, like Botox, Dysport, Restylane, and Sculptra. We also offer a number of minimally invasive procedures that can reverse the signs of aging, like a facelift, blepharoplasty, and an endoscopic brow lift.
What Can Botox or Dysport Do for Me?
Botox and Dysport are injectable muscle relaxants that do a great job of reversing the signs of aging when they are caused by overactive muscles. When muscles tense too much, the tension causes wrinkling. When the muscles are wrinkled enough, the skin above the muscles wrinkles, and relaxing the excessively tense muscles is the only way to relax the skin.
Individual results vary, but you can generally expect to see an improvement in your skin after just one to four days. Furthermore, you can generally expect to need only one treatment session to see your ideal results, and ideal results tend to last for two to six months. The more often you get treatment, the longer you can expect your ideal results to last.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Injectable Muscle Relaxant?
To be considered a good candidate for an injectable muscle relaxant, you must be concerned about something that can be treated by relaxing tight muscles. For example, this treatment will be effective if you are concerned about crow’s feet, smoker’s lines, forehead folds, or some nasolabial folds. However, it is also important that this treatment will be safe for you.
If you are allergic to bovine protein, you may not be a good fit for this treatment. Similarly, you may not qualify if you take oral muscle relaxants. You may need a brow lift or facelift in such cases.
Schedule Your Initial Earlobe Repair Consultation Today
If your earlobe is disfigured, it may be possible for your earlobe to be repaired safely and effectively. There is only one way to find out for sure. To find out whether you are a good fit for earlobe repair, contact us today at The Mack Cosmetic Center in Tampa, FL to schedule your initial consultation. We will evaluate your concerns and discuss your health and goals to verify that surgery is right for you.