How Long Do Restylane Fillers Last?
The amount of time that your fillers will last is going to depend on a number of factors including where you have had the injections. Most people can expect their results to last for 6 to 12 months and even longer if it was used to treat the nasolabial folds. When you do notice that your results are fading, regardless of the area you have had treated, you can always have additional treatments to keep your results maintained!
Treatable Areas
There are a number of areas in which this treatment is effective at smoothing away fine lines, wrinkles, and folds. If you do happen to have another area of concern that is not mentioned, please bring it up to our helpful staff! They can evaluate the area or areas and let you know if this treatment could be beneficial or not.
Nasolabial Folds
The folds that develop around the nose are often called nasolabial folds and while they are a common part of the aging process, many people look a lot younger with the folds smoothed away. This treatment is one of the best available for treating this concern. It can take care of the folds around the nose area, giving the face a smoother appearance.
The Lips
This treatment can also be used to enhance the lips. Either the bottom lip or top lip can be treated or both. The treatment for enhancing the lips using this injectable can be completely customized to the look you want. Volume can be added where it’s wanted!
The Cheeks
Many people also find that as they age, they lose a bit of volume, especially in the cheek area. This treatment can help restore that lost volume and even add a bit of contour to the face. Again, this can be completely customized to fit the look that meets your goals!
The Upper Lip
Those tiny, fine lines that can develop above the upper lip are a concern for many people but this treatment can help. It will smooth away those lines and often helps a person look years younger in just a single treatment session.
The Chin
This treatment can be used to remove wrinkles from the chin and even to add a bit of contour to the area. Our experts will find out exactly what your goals are and use this treatment to get you there all without any downtime!
Corners of the Mouth
The lines that can develop around the corners of the mouth are sometimes referred to as “marionette lines” and they are a concern of a lot of people. However, this treatment can take care of those lines quickly and without painful surgery. Many people also find that this treatment is one of the best for smoothing away lines in this region.
Under the Eyes
If you have lost volume under the eyes or have fine lines or wrinkles in that region, this treatment can help with that concern as well. In just a single treatment, lost volume can be restored under the eyes and many find that this treatment can even help with darkness under the eyes!
Other Areas
Again, if you happen to have another area of concern when it comes to wrinkles, fine lines or a loss of volume or contour, this treatment may also be helpful there so please bring it up to our helpful experts so they can help you reach all of your goals!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Does Treatment Hurt?
Not a bit! This treatment is not a surgical one or an invasive one. It is simply an injectable so you do not have to worry about experiencing pain as you would with more invasive treatments. There is no pain associated with this one!
2. Is This a Safe Treatment Option?
Absolutely! This treatment has not only been tried and proven many times but it is also approved by the FDA. It is not going to run the same risks that more invasive treatments are going to have. If you are concerned about your safety as a result of this treatment, do not be! It is completely safe.
3. When Will I See My Results?
When you will see your results is going to depend on the area that you have had treated and other factors. However, most people notice an immediate improvement right after their treatment. But, to see the full results you may have to wait for a week or 2. This is not a treatment that is going to make you wait a long time to see those results. You get to see them quickly.
4. Will My Results Look Unnatural?
No, your results are going to look the way you want them to as this treatment is completely customized to the person and their goals. If you want a more natural look, that is what your results will mirror. However, if you do want a more dramatic look, that can also be accomplished. Just let our staff know all about your goals and the look you are going for and they will help you get there!
5. Is There Downtime?
No. As soon as you are finished with your treatment session, you can get back to your daily activities without having to worry about fitting downtime into your schedule. There is no downtime needed at all which is just another reason why this treatment is so popular!
6. Can I Have More Than One Area Treated at the Same Time?
Yes. This treatment is both safe and effective enough to have more than one area treated during the same session. If you want to have your lips enhanced and also take care of some wrinkles around your mouth, both can be done during the same treatment session.
7. Is This Only for Women?
No. This is a treatment for any person who wants to take care of fine lines or wrinkles or restore lost volume in certain areas on the face. It can also be used to add contour to certain areas of the face as well. Men and women can both take advantage of the benefits of this treatment. And. more men are taking advantage of this treatment and others like it to also reach the look they want.
8. How Do I Get Ready for Treatment?
There usually is not anything that you need to do to get ready for treatment. If there would be some prep you should do prior to your session, our staff will be sure to let you know but most of the time you just need to show up for your appointment and our experts will take care of everything else.
9. How Often Can I Have Treatment?
This is going to depend on the area or areas you have had treated and how you respond to your first treatment but usually, you can have additional treatments once the results of the first one begin to fade. However, it is important to note that you should always listen to the experts when it comes to how long you, personally, should wait in between treatments so that you get the best results.
10. How Long Does a Treatment Session Take?
Because this treatment is simply an injectable treatment, the treatment session is not going to take a long time. Your entire time within the office for treatment should only take about 30 to 45 minutes total! This makes this treatment great for everyone, even those who have very busy schedules!
Get the Look You Want Today Without Pain or Downtime
If you want to smooth away some unwanted lines, folds, or wrinkles or add volume and contour to certain areas, Restylane is a great treatment for you to consider. Treatment is painless, there is no downtime and it can deliver some really amazing results! Also, it is completely customizable so the look you want is the one you’ll get! Come see us today at The Mack Cosmetic Center in Tampa, FL where we will help you reach your goals!