None of us want to look our chronological age. But not all of us want to go in for regular anti-aging treatments. At The Mack Cosmetic Center, we’d like you to know that there’s a better option. A facelift allows you to reverse the signs of aging without having to come in for treatment every six to 24 months. Today, we’re talking about just some of the many ways a facelift can change your life for the better.
Enhance the Jawline
Many people take their defined jawlines for granted until their svelte contours become softened and erased. A facelift can lift cheeks that are drooping around the jawline. It also removes excess skin around your jowls, or lower jawline.
Erase Lines and Folds
Excess sagging skin is sometimes caused by drastic weight loss. But nothing tells the world you’re aging quite so universally as wrinkles and other lines on your face. A facelift minimizes the folds on your face.
Lift and Tighten Sagging Skin
As we age, our bodies start to produce collagen at a reduced rate. Collagen is an essential protein that keeps your skin looking young and tight. Some people opt for regular anti-aging treatments that stimulate the growth of new, healthy collagen and revitalize and strengthen existing collagen. But such treatments are not right for everyone. To find out if a facelift is the right way for you to tighten sagging skin, schedule a consultation with a professional.
Am I an Ideal Candidate?
There’s a good chance that the benefits of a facelift align with your aesthetic goals. If you’re considering a facelift, you’re probably wondering if you are an ideal candidate for this procedure. Here are some things that affect your candidacy for this procedure:
Lack of Skin Laxity
The best candidates for a facelift have skin that is at least somewhat elastic and flexible. Of course, this can be evaluated during an initial consultation.
Balanced Bone Structure
The ideal candidate for a facelift also has aesthetically pleasing bone structure. If your jawline is weak due to the bone structure, not just sagging skin, you may need another procedure.
Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today
There are many ways a facelift can change your life for the better. To learn if you’re a good candidate for this procedure, talk to the dedicated medical experts at The Mack Cosmetic Center, located in Tampa, FL. Contact our office today to set up your appointment and get started!