A facelift procedure at The Mack Cosmetic Center in Tampa, FL, is an ideal surgery for patients who are primarily concerned about volume loss and skin laxity on the face. In particular, this procedure can reduce skin laxity concerns on the midface and lower face, such as around the nose, mouth, and jawline. This procedure can also help with neck laxity.
Who Is a Good Candidate for a Facelift?
In general, candidates for a facelift are those who have moderate to severe skin laxity on the face and upper neck. Skin laxity can be the result of the natural aging process, sun exposure, gravity, or even genetics. To be a candidate for this procedure, you should be a non-smoker with relatively good health.
If you have conditions that can affect healing, such as diabetes, you might not be a good candidate. Patients who are pregnant or who have other medical conditions that make it unsafe to use sedation might not be qualified for this procedure. The best way to determine if you are a candidate is to attend a consultation and complete relevant labs to assess your health.
What If You Aren’t a Candidate?
If your plastic surgeon determines that you are not a good candidate for a lift procedure, you may need to explore other options. For some patients, laser treatments can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. For other patients, injectable treatments like dermal fillers and neurotoxins are a good alternative to improve facial skin volume and wrinkle appearance.
What Can You Expect From This Procedure?
A Facelift procedure will usually take two to three hours to complete. There are several surgical techniques that can be used to remove excess skin, tighten facial muscles, and strengthen connective tissues. Sometimes, incisions for this surgery are made behind the ear, below the ear, or in the hairline. The specific surgical techniques used for your procedure will be determined by your facial structure, the severity of your skin laxity concerns, and your goals.
This cosmetic surgery procedure is typically performed under twilight sedation, which is a combination of IV sedation and local anesthesia. This type of sedation is considered safer than general anesthesia. Twilight sedation wears off more quickly, which simplifies the early recovery process after your procedure.
It will take several weeks to fully recover after a lift procedure. Most patients make arrangements for help at home and time off work for at least one to two weeks. You can return to work sooner if you are able to work remotely. However, the more rest you get after your procedure, the faster your overall recovery will be.
About seven to ten days after your procedure, you will need to visit your surgeon for a follow-up appointment. During this first follow-up, sutures used to close your incisions will be removed. You may need to attend additional follow-up appointments to assess your healing over the next several weeks.
How Can You Prepare for This Surgery?
To prepare for a lift procedure, you will need to stop using tobacco products and discontinue certain medications, such as anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, and supplements that cause blood-thinning side effects. You may also need to stop using certain at-home skincare products for a few days before your procedure.
What Are Aftercare Instructions?
You will need to follow strict aftercare instructions for several days after this procedure. Immediately after your surgery, a dressing will be applied to your face to shield your skin from bacteria. It’s also common for drains to be applied as part of your surgical dressing. You will receive instructions on how to care for drains and surgical incisions, such as how to cleanse wounds and change dressings.
After your procedure, it’s best to avoid any straining activities, including lifting, bending, childcare, and exercise. You should avoid steam, sweat, and hot water for several days. When you are lying down, you should recline on your back and keep your head elevated. You might need to eat soft foods during your early recovery or follow other directions to make your recovery more comfortable.
Will Your Results Look Natural?
The goal of your lift procedure is to reduce the appearance of visible aging with natural-looking results. Your surgery will be mapped out to ensure your results enhance your natural beauty. The focus on natural-looking results is one reason why it’s so important to have realistic expectations for this procedure. Your results from this procedure can last for several years.
If you want to enjoy natural-looking results for as long as possible, then it’s important to adopt good skincare practices after your surgery. Staying out of the sun and wearing SPF every day can reduce premature aging caused by wrinkles. You can also use skincare products formulated to enhance cellular turnover to slow the visible signs of aging.
Can You Add Other Procedures to This One?
It’s very common for a lift procedure to be combined with other cosmetic surgery techniques. If you have age-related concerns about the upper face, then an eyebrow lift or an eyelid lift may be ideal to reduce forehead wrinkles, sagging brows, and crow’s feet. A neck lift procedure can tighten skin on the mid and lower neck, which can blend seamlessly with the skin-tightening effects of your facial lift procedure.
In addition to cosmetic surgery, it’s also common for patients to combine a lift procedure with aesthetic treatments. For patients who want to improve the volume of their lips or contour their jawline, dermal fillers can be a good solution. Stubborn dynamic wrinkles between the eyebrows or around the mouth can be reduced with neurotoxin injections. Sunspots and dark spots can be addressed with chemical peels, laser treatments, and other aesthetic techniques.
Eliminate Skin Laxity With a Facelift Procedure
Skin laxity can be a frustrating skin concern, especially when pronounced wrinkles make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. Fortunately, a lift procedure can visibly improve lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity with natural-looking results. Contact The Mack Cosmetic Center in Tampa, FL to schedule a consultation today.