Even though many people swear by filers, there are still a LOT of misconceptions about them. It’s important that you can separate the facts from the myths before you head to the doctor’s office. Here are a few of the biggest misconceptions around fillers.
- You will look like you’ve “had work done.”
Too many celebrities have given fillers (and Botox) a bad name. But what most people don’t realize is that other cosmetic enhancements may be the culprit (such as overly full cheeks from implants) and not the fillers.
If the fillers are done correctly and not misplaced, your appearance should only be enhanced, not fake. To make sure you don’t end up looking fake, seek out the expertise of boar-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist who has had lots of experience with injectables.
- Once you start you’ll never be able to start.
This is a big misconception. Even if you’ve had fillers, you can stop getting them at any time. You may not want to, but that’s a whole different story. Hyaluronic acid fillers are made to be temporary (most last anywhere from six months to two years) and are gradually dissolved by the body. After they’ve fully dissolved, nothing will be left behind other than potentially some new collagen growth.
- Permanent fillers are the way to go.
The idea of only having to have your injections done once may SOUND great. But you have to remember that your face will continue to age in spite of the fillers. This means that your injections that looked fantastic when you were 40 may not look as good when you’re 50 or 60 years old, as your proportions will change.
Permanent isn’t reversible like hyaluronic acid fillers, which means you won’t be able to maintain a natural look.
- Fillers can treat every line or wrinkle.
Not true at all. Fillers work best where you need an increase in volume. Whereas there may be times that your wrinkles are the result of tense muscles. On some occasions Botox, an injectable that blocks the nerves which cause facial muscles to contract, may be more appropriate.
- Anyone can inject filler under the eyes.
Fillers can do a great job of correcting depressions under the eyes. However, it’s also a riskier area to treat and not an area you want treated by someone who isn’t experienced. Look for someone who is experienced treating this area.
Final Thoughts
The bottom line is that the results you achieve from fillers are largely dependent on the person who is doing the injections. It’s important to take the time to do your research and find someone who is board certified and highly experienced to do your injections.