In 2015, the FDA officially approved the first drug designed to eliminate neck fat in most people (without having to go through an invasive surgery). This is good news for the 68 percent of people surveyed by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery in 2014, who said that excess fat under the chin and neck were one of their biggest concerns.
How does it work?
The physician or PA administering the Kybella injections creates a grid of dots targeting fat under the chin and then does multiple injections. While patients may see some redness, bruising or swelling for up to a week, they will slowly start to see the fat melt away after a few weeks. Injections can be given once a month for up to six months.
Am I a good candidate?
Truthfully, the best way to know if you’re a good candidate for Kybella is to receive an in-person consultation. The treatment isn’t typically ideal for someone with a large amount of fat, not only because of the cost, but also because Kybella only removes the fat and does NOT tighten the skin. If you have a large amount of fat there, you may find that you need another procedure to remove the excess skin. But again, the only way to know your best options are to come in for a one-on-one consultation.
Curious what results others have had?
Check out these before and after pictures to see the great results patients have had with Kybella.
This month we’re offering a special where you can purchase two vials of Kybella for $999, a savings of $400! If you are in Tampa and believe this treatment might be right for you, contact us today!