Dr. William P. Mack has attended the meeting for many years and has been an active presenter/educator/moderator for sessions throughout the week long symposium. Last June, Dr. Mack and two staff members went back to Las Vegas to further their knowledge in hopes of bringing great changes and enhancements to the Mack Center. The leading medical doctors from the fields of Oculoplastic Surgery, Dermatology and Facial Plastic Surgery came together to educate other aesthetic surgeons as well as residents and fellowship students. Doctors, as well as select office staff, sat in on new surgical techniques, controversies, public relations and marketing/social media strategies. Now, Dr. Mack can add Advisory Committee Member next to his presenter/moderator title for the 2014 Vegas Facial Cosmetic Surgery meeting.
Alongside Steven Pearlman, M.D., Guy Massry, M.D., Heidi Waldorf, M.D., and Jason Pozner, M.D., Dr. Mack worked vigorously throughout the end of 2013 to help create the 2014 program which allows potential attendees know what topics will be discussed and what master sessions will be presented. This was one of his assignments as an advisory committee member this year.
On top of his advisory committee duties, Dr. Mack was re-invited to be a faculty presenter by the Multi-Specialty Foundation for Aesthetic Surgical Excellence (F.A.S.E.) for the 10th Annual Facial Cosmetic Surgery 2014 (An International Multi-Specialty Symposium.) He is scheduled to moderate three sessions with Guy Massry, M.D. and Paul Leon, M.D. Furthermore, his talk topics for this meeting will be “A Detailed and Simple Method of Ptosis Repair for Those New to the Procedure but Skilled in Cosmetic Blepharoplasty,” “Tips for the Management of the Unhappy Post-cosmetic Blepharoplasty Patient,” and “10 Tips to Improve Your Pre-operative Evaluation.”
Next week, Dr. Mack &Angela (office manager) and Jenny (marketing) will venture to Las Vegas to further their knowledge and to aid in making the cosmetic surgery practice even better! During the week of Vegas, the staff back in Tampa will be hosting their own variation of “VEGAS WEEK”. All week long, there will be HUGE savings and events with an underlying Vegas theme! Make sure to check out the Mack Center’s “VEGAS” specials as one of them is very popular among the patients- BOGO LATISSE!
Stay informed to find out about the trip to Vegas and learn about Dr. Mack’s first time in Vegas as an Advisory Committee member by joining their mailing list or following them on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, WordPress, and Flickr.
About William P. Mack, M.D.
William P. Mack, M.D. is a board certified surgeon who specializes in oculoplastic surgery and facial cosmetic surgery.
When eye contact is made, we immediately begin forming our first impression. Judging someone to be tired, sad, angry or pleasant are all based on the appearance of the area around the eyes. “Oculoplastics is a specialized branch of plastic surgery that focuses around the eyes and face,” notes Dr. Mack. “My extensive training in eye and facial plastic surgery allows me to offer the optimal surgical options to achieve your aesthetic goals.”
For more information, visit their website www.mackmd.com or call (813) 875-5437.