Think that you’ll be okay as long as you wear sunscreen just on the days when you’re going to get “significant” sun exposure? Think again, studies show that people who wear sunscreen daily show 24% less skin aging compared to participants who used sunscreen only part of the time.
However, if you need an even more compelling reason to wear sunscreen, look at the complexion of truck driver Bill McElligott, who has unilateral dermatoheliosis, according to The New England Journal of Medicine. UVA rays transmitted through the window of his truck damaged the left side of his face during the 28 year he spent driving.
As a result, the left side of his face looks roughly 20 years older than the right.
While this may be an extreme case, think of the many years you have spent (and may continue to spend) making those morning or evening commutes in the sun. Were you wearing sunscreen? While many of us wear lotion or makeup with sunscreen that protects you during the morning commute, did you reapply it before driving home eight hours later? (Probably not.)
Right now we’re offering a special deal: get a free Colorescience Rose lip shine free when you buy a Tint de Soleil and Sunforgettable Sunscreen Brush.
The best thing about the sunscreen brush is that you can tuck it in your desk, your purse of your car and quickly apply without the mess of traditional sunscreen. You also don’t have to worry about messing up your makeup if you’re heading somewhere other than home.
Contact us today to get this great deal!